digiSchool Group Приложения

snapSchool 2.2.5
digiSchool Group
Thanks to snapSchool, you will never again be stuck on ahomeworkexercise. Come on, get involved in the biggesthomework-helpcommunity! The principle is simple: 1) Take a photo ofthe piece ofhomework that is causing you problems. 2) Share thephoto with thesnapSchool community 3) You will receive anotification as soon asyou receive a response. You must bear inmind though, thatsnapSchool is based on mutual assistance. Afterposting a fewpieces of homework, you will have to help others withtheirs if youwant to continue to receive help ;) Once you havedownloaded theapp, we will give you one free token and one freegem. Publishing apiece of homework will cost you one token. If youprovide a usefulresponse (we'll be checking!) you will win a tokenand if yourcontribution is chosen as "best response", you will wina gem. The"72 hour boost" option: Is your homework urgent andneeding aresponse quickly? You can bring greater visibility to yourhomeworkthanks to the 72 hour boost. For 3 gems, this functionallows yourpiece of homework to go to the top of the list making iteasier tobe seen by the community - so get ready for an avalancheofanswers! Just so you know, you can win gems by being chosenas"best response" or by being rewarded by the snapSchool team,sodon't forget to help others regularly. Don't forget also; Youcanpost a number of photos per piece of homework You can ask forhelpin all subjects from year 7 onward! Happy helping!
Bac 2024 3.4.9
digiSchool Group
Revisions for the 2024 baccalaureate (general and techno): courses,quizzes, baccalaureate annals
Brevet 2024 3.4.9
digiSchool Group
Patent revisions 2024: quiz, MCQ, courses, annals, 3rd yearexercises.
Prépa fonction publique 2023 1.7.0
digiSchool Group
Prepare for your civil service exam with digiSchool and Foucher.
TOEIC 2022 1.1.5
digiSchool Group
Get ready for the TOEIC 2021. You will find 1 000 questions withexplanations.
Orthographe : cours et quiz 1.9.0
digiSchool Group
Grammar, conjugation, spelling: many lessons to improve!
Code de la route 2023 5.0.2
digiSchool Group
Learn the highway code and pass the code exam in 2023 (car andmotorcycle)
superCléa Num 1.4.0
digiSchool Group
Free digital training accessible to everyone!
TOEIC tests : contenu officiel 2.1.0
digiSchool Group
1,400 official TOEIC ® test questions
Secours : citoyen sauveteur 1.4.0
digiSchool Group
superSecours is the digiSchool application to learn the gesturesthat save
superFLE - French, DELF, TCF 1.7.3
digiSchool Group
Learn French with superFLE. Contents for all kind of level : A1,A2, B1, B2
Prépa Certificat Voltaire 1.2.1
digiSchool Group
400 official questions
digiSchool Brevet Bac BTS 2023 2.0.1
digiSchool Group
Help with homework, revisions and orientation! Everything to rockyour schooling :)
PITANGOO le parcours 2.4.0
digiSchool Group
An orientation course to make the choices that suit you!
MosaSeries 1.0.2
digiSchool Group
Learn a language with an audio series